Román Gonzalvo

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”

Carl Gustav Jung

Doctor in Psychology, General Health Psychologist and Psychotherapist graduated from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2005), practicing since 2009.

He is the president of the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association (ATI), the editor of the Journal of Transpersonal Research® (JTR) and the teacher of tanspersonal psychology class in the Master of Mindfulness at the University of Zaragoza.

He has been also teacher of transpersonal psychology at the Vizcaya University of the Americas (Colima, Mexico) and has offered seminars at the Public University of Navarra, the National University of Distance Education (UNED), the California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco) and the University of Pretoria
(South Africa). He has also carried out research visits at the Indian Statistical Institute (Calcutta), and at Sofia University (Palo Alto, US).

He is also the coordinator of the working group on transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy at the Official College of Psychology of Madrid.


«Health» means the good balance of our organism. Understanding
this as the harmony between the biological, social, psychological, ecological and spiritual dimensions of the human being.

As «human» organisms, we could say that what fundamentally
differentiates us from other organisms in the earth is our mind (ego) and our consciousness (being); two united, but different instances.

We all have the necessary resources to deal with our problems.
A difficult moment in life is a great opportunity for knowledge and personal growth, if we know how to understand it properly.


Linked to psychology, psychotherapy is the tool used by health professionals to treat psychological conflicts and their consequences.

There are various schools of psychotherapy and different ways of working, however it has been shown that healing does not depend so much on the school but on the therapeutic relationship established between the client or patient  and the therapist.

These are the different approaches which are developed in the section Publications»:

• Behaviorism

• Cognitivism

• Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

• Humanist and Existential Psychotherapy

• Family and Systemic Psychotherapy

• Transpersonal and Integral Psychotherapy


“Transpersonal” is a term that is used in different fields,
but it originated and is still used primarily in the field of psychology.

The first person to mention this term was the psychologist
William James (1842-1910) at the University of Edinburgh, to refer to the human experience of the transcendental dimension of life.

Later on Walsh and Vaughan (1994) and Daniels (2008) defined
it as follows: “The transpersonal experience is one in which the sense of identity (I) expands beyond (trans) the individual (personal-ego) and comes to encompass aspects of humanity, life, the psyche and the cosmos that were previously experienced as separated”.

In other words, the transpersonal concerns the deep being
that we really are, once we have transcended the ego that makes us feel different from the other beings.



Theoretical articles

Popular articles

Short essays



C/ Juan Antonio Fernández, 40. Despacho 8.

31500, Tudela (Navarra)


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